Tuesday, April 21, 2009


*dials 1-800-7825-255-843-34257*

phone rings

"Hello my name is Aburida Abdul Ravioli Mohammed Azazazaah "hot_salvation" Azerbaijan Mosteef Crabrangoon Durk Fezzerazadaijahn..."

Fuck I don't speak Mexican,

"Fried curry calamari fuck puppy farts?"

god damnit, will you just find me someone who speaks english, please?

"Please hold, nic is calling..."


fuck, everything but my dick has been outsourced...


"yon yon, ese-dan- eat the maaaaatzah,"

Excuse me?


um, I was inquiring about the downloadable content acquisition date and whether my video card is compatible with the new version of your software?

"what i can tell you is that it is rated teen... My whole life is rated teen."

That doesn't answer my question...

"Gaming is life."

I'm sorry I don't understand where you're going with this...

"Let me start over, sir. Okay open up the zipper to your wifi pants and tell me how your ping ping is looking."

I'm going to need to speak to your supervisor, young man

"yon pebis!"





"Hello, how are you doing?"

Finally a normal person, listen I...

"your face is normal."

Sir, I don't appreciate the terrible service provided by your company. I am having some serious compatibility issues with my setup and your software....

"yon taconian doof, what brings you here? Have you completed the jorts ceremony?"

What!?! no, I... I'm having compatibility issues...


Listen if this is some sort of joke.

"your chode is a joke in my ass"

This is ridiculous. What is wrong with you?

"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13.... I've had thirteen beers. "

*slams phone*

*throws monitor out of window*


  1. By: ocommodityo on 4/22/2009 12:13:34 PM

    the hardest part was remembering all of nader's "mcfeters" name

    a big shout out to my boy peter for his crucial c/p's, much love
