Monday, November 30, 2009

Croteam to make Deathmatch for Serious Sam HD

Croteam read Dr. Dan "the_ass_man" Bauber's mind:


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Borderlands Config Editor

This is in the early beta stage, but someone on the gearbox forums was kind enough to make an app that will automatically make changes to your borderlands .ini files and key bindings.

I'm using it with windows 7 64-bit and haven't had any problems. I also suggest giving "disable outline shader" a try. Makes the game look better to me. A warning: Motion Blur will make you throw up on your shoes.

Here is the link to the forum post:


Here is the link to the file download:


Our new theme song?

I think so!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Windows 7 Tweakguide

Here is a 415 page pdf assembled by the man who runs It is a guide that runs through every single aspect of Windows 7 and tells you how to improve performance. I have used his guides for both Windows XP and Vista and the tips are great. Download this and use it.

Windows 7 Tweakguide.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


This Taco is going from the land of Nothing to the land of the KKK to enjoy a nice meal with family.

I will be gone and not able to play vidya gaymes until Sunday night. For this is how Snowy eats.
Turkey comas are necessary.

I hope everyone has a nice time.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What the hell is this?

Our taco-land is falling apart. Only Dan and Fahn share my pain...

my sorrow...

the twin bongs of waste,

smoke no more...

Monday, November 23, 2009

A nerdgasm

This is what it looks like.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Engineers with dumb faces

If you watch this video on youtube:

Youtube will suggest you watch this:

I can't stop looking at this.

FPS Chart

Friday, November 20, 2009

Medical School, Friday, 9 AM Lecture

This is Dr. Riley talking about immunology to ten people in a classroom that seats 150 people.

This is how you take notes in medical school. I am a good note taker.

Then I went outside.

APB online

I don't know if you guys have seen the coverage for APB. It's kind of like Grand Theft Auto, but an instanced mmo. There is a trailer on their homepage that shows in-game footage.
Not sure when it is coming out, but it looks like it could be fun.

"Clay Aiken makes me want to kill people."

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Get to know your internet friends

Borgeau: I'm 32 and I love computer games. I have no need for physical sexual intercourse with humans.

fahn "2 dans" patrick: i'm 24 years old and i've only ever had it with an alien in mass effect

*shifts your cultural paradigm*

L4D2 first impressions

So I've played through two campaigns, did a little with the "scavenger" mode and, this morning, messed around a little bit with the "realism" mode.

First, I was never that impressed with L4D and I ended up just getting fucking sick of it. I appreciate the attempts that they made to spice it up, but honestly I just don't think it's for me.

It seems that L4D2 is the result of Valve just dumping all the spices into the pot. This, on the surface, definitely works for me. The added weapons are a nice addition. I'm not sure how I feel about the new special infected, because I haven't messed around with versus mode yet. The levels...I don't know. The levels don't really impress me that much, but I do like how they've made it more than just "run to the end" by giving you little jobs to do. The graphics seem to be kicked up a tad. So far "realism" mode is my favorite new aspect.

Do I like it more than L4D? Yea, and I don't know if I'll ever pick that back up. But in the end, I still just feel like it's all window-dressing. I'm not blown away and I'm not even really that impressed. It's still the same premise that I didn't really care about in the first L4D. Still killing unending hordes that keep me from walking when they hit me from behind. Really. How does that even make sense? If you are punching me in the back and I start running forward, I'm going to get away from you.

I don't know. Maybe it'll grow on me.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I just want to play computer games

I just want to play computer games.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I encourage strangers

(click the picture)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I think you need to see this

I suppose it had to be done sometime

Left 4 Bed

Birds That Are Happy.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

fun with google search

You know how the Google search will try and guess what you are searching for? I decided to try some things. I used red to express my confusing on these images.

Shane "Sunnyvaletrash" Morris obviously hasn't found the answer.
This is kind of sad/funny.

Google guessed correctly. Also...what?

fahn patrick has been burning up the internet for the answer.

Why are people so interested in putting objects in rice?

I don't know.

Why do I keep doing this?


I keep doing it.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009