Saturday, October 31, 2009

New heat sink

Think it is big enough?


No one is going to get my costume but other nerds like us.

Friday, October 30, 2009

The ballad of Shane Morris

You went far too young
sweet Shane
Your voice still in our ears
sweet Shane
We will never forget your laughter
sweet Shane
The smoke from your bongs
sweet Shane

Your memory will live on
in every taco
in every redwood

Thursday, October 29, 2009


"Gearbox’s Steve Gibson made an official announcement to Destructoid and stated that Borderlands would be released for download on Steam. Gibson also mentioned that the desktop release would include several features that will definitely not be seen on home console versions. Weapons can be exported via item cards in .jpg format, so if players collect a weapon of mass awesomeness that no one in their circle of friends has, they’ll be able to share it with them. In addition to that interesting feature, Borderlands for the PC will come with special menu and inventory systems designed exclusively around the mouse input option. Another little extra is the addition of timedemo benchmark software, which is exclusive to the PC. Last, but certainly not least, if played on a high-end system, the PC version of Borderlands will show off the most impressive graphics of all three versions of the game"

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

If you are playing Borderlands with us

make sure we know your GameSpy id. That's the only way we can play co-op. You can leave your id's in the comments, or edit this post with your's, or leave it on our Steam group page.

me = borgeau_nanier
dolder = ddolderer
sean = ocommodityo


If you can't find "WillowEngine.ini" then look for BaseEngine.ini

Want to disable the in-game automatic voice chat, so you can use Vent?
To disable voice chat:
Within BaseEngine.ini:
Search for "bHasVoiceEnabled" and you should come across the following line:
Change to FALSE.

Want to disable the intro movies?
To disable the startup movies:
Within WillowEngine.ini:


and comment out lines like so:


If that doesn't work, replace the // with ;

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Cold War

The Cold War was an intense stand-off between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic after 3,653 BBY, lasting until 3,623 BBY. The Treaty of Coruscant ended the Great Galactic War, sealing the Sith Empire's victory. Peace was brought, but tensions between the Sith and the Republic remained high. In the thirty years after the War, fear and uncertainty gripped the galaxy. Border skirmishes and proxy wars between the Sith and Republic erupted and the uneasy truce between the two foes appeared to be on the verge of collapse.

It is in this "Cold War", as described by the game's creators, that the MMO The Old Republic is set, in the years after the Great Galactic War.

Oh...and this:

Friday, October 23, 2009

hi guys


(pic goes to link)

Now this I don't understand.

So I get this email from Newegg today, because I purchased Windows 7 64bit. I guess they recommend accessories now with purchases. But how the fuck is a copy of Windows 7 32bit an accessory? My head just exploded.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I started playing Machinarium last night

I started playing Machinarium last night and I had to stop and catch myself. I almost played for two hours and I didn't even realize it. The puzzles are really cute, just like the characters. You really have to think outside of the box to get each set done. There is a little light bulb at the top that will give you one visual clue. Or you can play a little mini-arcade game to get a play-by-play, visual walk-through. Pretty creative actually. You have to pay attention to almost everything in each screen. Even then...sometimes you have to go back five screens and pick up something you didn't even notice the first time through.

You should try it. It's basically just a big Flash game, so it was easy for them to put a demo up. You can play the game demo.

If you buy the game, here's an early hint: 5:45.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


You all knew this post was coming.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Machinarium Soundtrack

I downloaded it, then I reuploaded it for you. It is very good. I want you to hear it.

Machinarium Soundtrack

Friday, October 16, 2009

The bonking of the father...

I was repeatedly bonked by dold(er)3r last night and I woke up with a headache this morning. It's science. Also, have you looked at Machinarium?
Do it here.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

CryEngine 3 Released

*Does a dance*

Click on picture for link to article and video.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Borderlands has been purchased

Click the picture for proof

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Gaming leagues

We should form an official team and join one. Just a thought.

T-65 X-wing schematics

Monday, October 12, 2009

Borderlands 4-pack

I don't know if any of you guys are interested, but did you see the Borderlands 4-pack pre-order? It breaks down to about $34 a copy if you get it that way. If three of you are interested, I could buy the 4-pack and you can PayPal me the $33 to $34. Just an idea...

Steam store link

Also...I love Dan's medical school.

Medical School

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Please tell me Borgeau wrote this article.

Because if there are two people like this in the world I need to have more faith in humanity.

Screen shot in case the link doesn't work.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

L4D2 stuff

RPS has some news on L4D2:

DO IT RIGHT HERE (click it)

It is "scavenger mode." From the description it seems okay, but nothing special. Kind of like survivor mixed with versus. There is also a video in that post.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Black Shock

This is my champion Black Shock. He is half robot and shoots lightning everywhere. It makes a lot of sense.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Good Morning Son

Hank Abuzarieh

This is my champion Hank Abuzarieh. He has a robot hand and can fly. He also has a bunch of laser guns and robot gadgets to help him out in a bind.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Darth Zannah

When the Dark Lords of Kaan's Brotherhood of Darkness unleashed a planet wide Force storm during the Sixth Battle of Ruusan, Rain survived by instinctively enveloping herself and Laa with a bubble with the Force. Unfortunately, when she watched Laa being killed haplessly by Jedi scouts, she was so stricken with anger that she killed them, unwittingly giving in to the dark side to do so. Rain's display of rage attracted the attention of the war's only surviving Dark Lord, Darth Bane, who decided to take the young girl as the first and only apprentice in his fledgling Order of the Sith Lords. Rain cast away the handle of her youth, and became Darth Zannah.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


me: meatus
I want all the meatus
The meatus
I want them all for myself
Craig: provide it
provide the meatus for the community
invest in meatus futures
me: Distribute the meatus equally
bread and meatus for all
Craig: public option meatus
me: Don't want no government run meatus
Want some of that meatus loaf
Craig: glenn beck is leading a meatus party march on DC, take back the meatus house
me: The meatus must be restored to its rightful throne
Craig: erect statues to the great meatus
me: erect the meatus
me: I want to study the meatus and its ways
Craig: meatus 3:16
me: and you will know my name is the meatus when I lay my vengeance upon thee
That's no moon. It's a meatus.
Craig: you know what they call a meatus in france?
me: A meatus?
How many meatus does it take to screw in a meatus?
Craig: we want the meatus
gotta have that meatus
me: No meatus, no peace
Craig: know meatus, know peace
i play sports at an intermeatius level
me: I enjoy coed meatus.
Share the meatus
Pass it around.
me: Dungeons and Meatus
Dude, you're getting a meatus
me: Not a bad meatus.
Craig: expensive meatus
me: Meatus.
Craig: It's what's for dinner.
me: Meatus meat sandwiches
I want to harvest the meatus
Brew some meatus drink
Craig: this is no longer my battle, the meatus is on your hands
me: I pledge allegiance to the meatus
me: Give me meatus or give me death
Live free or meatus
Shit just got meatus
Craig: clap your meatuses together
me: Today is a day that will live in meatus

Friday, October 2, 2009

I'm a man of my word.

I hope the Pig Destroyer shirt makes me look somewhat heterosexual.

Thursday, October 1, 2009



No Good Spies

We don't have any skilled spies.

We don't have any because we are good people.

Good people don't become spies.

Could a good Taco be tempted by the Cancerous Evil Incarnate?

I hate spies

Can I get a spy-check please???
Stop dancing around.