Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Random Crap.

2010, aka video games video games video games

An exclusive preview of TF2 in the year 2000.

I just beat Metal Gear Solid 4 on PS3. It was pretty much a life changing experience. The game was 60% cinematic 40% game play. It's in 1080p and it's like watching a movie. I came home at 2 am last night and I said to myself, "Hey I saved right before fighting the final boss, so I should just finish up real quick." There were two sets of credits and two secret extra cutscenes. It was 3 hours of cutscene after the final final final battle. I went to bed at 6 am. Fantastic game though.

The steam sale is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I cannot stop buying games. I am gay for valve.

On Lambgoat there is a link to a new Arsis track called "Forced To Rock." I turned it off 10 seconds in when the guy yells "LET'S ROCK!" I hate music.

This is just absurd.

I am leaving for the forest tomorrow morning. This is where I will be. If you don't hear from me in 4 days, come looking.

Farewell friends.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Three Symmetrical Engineers

A Travesty

you may have seen this

but here is a video of some guys just being outrageous dicks to everyone and screwing up the game. It gets funnier as time goes on:

Monday, December 28, 2009

New Year's Eve plans:

Dan will become mesmerized by architecture.

Nader will drink so much that he'll pass out and have to be carried home.

Zeke and Snowy will play games in the bedroom.

Christian Renfrew will yell at the neighborhood kids about how they do not appreciate mid-90's noise bands.

hunt_nic_ will be photographed hanging out with that girl and wearing sunglasses when it is dark.

fahn_patrick will try to squeeze himself into a mug of beer.

Kyle Phillips will be alone and will ponder how much money he has.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

id super pack

$180 worth of great games for about $24...

How can you help yourself?

i know i couldn't.

also happy holiday weekend to everyone.

time to put scotch in my face and gaem forever.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Yaaay TF2 Hat!

I unlocked a hat, well...rather...a beard.

Now I'm gonna be the shittiest Spy ever.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Borderlands DLC: steam holiday sale

I just saw that the Borderlands DLC "The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned" is $6.70. Pretty good time to go ahead and zip that into your hard drive. Just wiggle it on in there.

True Tales from Snowy's Life

Zeke and I decided to go to a LAN.
I accidentally dropped Zekey bebe's bag down a set of stairs.

His monitor happened to be in the bag.

Now I need to buy him a new one.
Now there will be no new Snowy computer for even longer. :(

It is snowing and when I was at Walmart I saw two (2) people wearing shorts.
Fuck Mr. Fifty-eight-degrees-is-cold.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

moments with heavy

yes this is old, but some of you haven't seen it!!!

L4D2 Cartoon

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I Can't Help But

Think of Nader whenever I hear this song.

Also, youtube comment that sums it all up for me:
"this song brings out all my emotions
sometimes when i'm alone and upset
i turn this on
and cry some more"

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Amanita Design.

Amanita Design is an indie games company headed by some guy over in Europe. They have made games such as Samorost 1 and 2, and most recently Machinarium. Today I saw they are discounting their pack of games from 25 dollars to 10 dollars. I bought it. Here is the LINK describing what is included in the pack.

You can play the full version of Samorost 1 to get a feel for the type of games these are. It's a flash game and doesn't take very long to complete. Very well done though. HERE

I uploaded the soundtrack of Samorost 2 for you because it's awesome. HERE

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

heavy sells kaboom

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

so it looks like

the Soldier won the war.

TF2 Blog

Monday, December 14, 2009

more Mass Effect 2 footage

Israeli credit card thief

So yesterday I went online to update my information for my American Express card. I noticed two separate charges that I did not make. One was for $165 and the other for $137. Both charges were at gas stations and, according to the customer service person I spoke with, the card was actually presented at the point of purchase...

This is odd. For starters, I never carry my card on me, because it sits in a fire-proof box in my home. Secondly, how the fuck did they manage to produce a card with a working magnetic strip? That's fucking genius! I hope my credit card is not funding terrorist organizations.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Medical School Bike Shorts

Sometimes medical school can be boring. That's when you take pictures of your classmates unbeknownst to them. Why would you wear spandex bike shorts to six hours of lecture?

I was really bored towards the end of the six hours so I drew a picture.

Friday, December 11, 2009

custom IAAT sprays

You can download these pictures. They are all set at 256x256 and are .jpgs. You can do whatever you want. Thanks to Doldermeatus for the inspiration.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009


Today I did this thing, work. It's where they send you after you pay a lot of money for people to assign you letters through e-mail for five years. I work in technology. Technology looks like this:

That is what most technology looks like. The technology that I do usually looks like this:

Today I did technology in the downtown. To stop your car in downtown it costs $22 and a squat thrust. I was greeted by happy employees:

My technology work went like this today:

"Hello nerdface! we're so happy you're here because our technology is broken."

I sensed in the crevices of my garmin you would need my help this day. I will work for 2 of your largest women an hour.

"This sounds wonderful! Come let us show you our technology"

One moment, I first must be escorted to the eruption altar.


Your technology, I must disassemble.

*Bangs face into pc until it obeys*

*mourns loss of an innocent victim upon further inspection*

That is a quarter in the middle of the picture. It appeared someone had mistaken this computer for a parking meter as there were more.

Sirs and womens, I have bad news. I have found the problem with your technologies. It appears someone has been shoving quarters all up in the ports of your technologies, resulting in the death of your millenium machine. It is a well known fact that intel chipsets do not accept payment in quarters. They do, however, accept payment in bagels. I'm sorry to have to inform you of your loss. Who wants ice cream?


I laughed

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Hello friends. I have just completed the game Trine. I'm going to tell you about it.

Trine is a game in which you play as three characters. You are a knight, a thief, and a wizard. Something happens in the beginning of the game which causes all three characters to become one, thus allowing you to switch between them at any time during the game. This allows you to utilize their different skills. The thief has a grappling hook that allows you to attach to and swing from wooden surfaces. You eventually have to become very skilled with the right click and time things just right or you will fall into lava or sludge and die. It's fun. The knight is primarily for combat situations - he has a shield and sword. You can also get a lightning hammer. The wizard has the ability to conjure boxes and platforms into existence, allowing you to traverse gaps and move onward. He can also use magic to manipulate and move existing structures. This is very fun and can make for some very interesting puzzles. There are checkpoints scattered across the levels and if one of your characters dies, you can go touch it and they will be revived.

The story is told by a fellow who sounds like he should be narrating a LOTR movie. It's a good thing. It's a good story. It pretty much serves as a backdrop to the gameplay and doesn't really interfere with your puzzle solving and skeleton killing. The main enemies are skeletons, but there are also mini-bosses and bats. I hate the bats. The bats are awful and will swarm you and kill you and I hate them. There are fifteen total levels and the total game took me 6.5 hours to play though. The sound is crisp and the characters have unique voices and personalities. The variety of scenery is very nice and I think the art style is fantastic. It has that fantasy feel. Click on the pictures and look at them. Did you play the game made by Westwood Studios called Nox? Well I did and this game reminds me of it.

So as you traverse the various stages, you can collect experience (the green stuff) and level up your characters. Each has three different skills, two of which you have to find in the treasure chests scattered across the maps. You can also find items in the chests that will enhance your characters health or their skills. These become very helpful in the later stages as the enemies get tougher and tougher. There are also steam achievements to get if you're into that kind of thing. It has co-op play, but I'm not sure what that is about. We could figure that out if you buy it.

I liked Trine very much. In fact, I adored Trine. It was adorable. It was very fun. It was engaging. I paid 10 dollars for Trine. It was on sale. It retails for twenty dollars. You can buy it here. Is it worth twenty dollars? I don't really think so. It was very fun, but only lasted for 6.5 hours. You could try the demo. I think you should definitely buy this game, but maybe wait until it goes on sale again.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I'm glad I'm not the only one

that thinks War Machine looks like the Crysis nano-suit on this poster.

i watch stuff

Kyle Phillips hates my life.

Kyle Phillips is jealous of my life. He told me he hates the way I eat waffles.

Kyle Phillips told me my taste in syrups disgusts him.

Kyle Phillips cannot stand being told you've done your research.

Why does Kyle Phillips want my life to be shit? Why does he envy my refined tastes? Why does Kyle Phillips want to ruin my life?

sad taco

It is a sad time to not have internet connections at home. It is a sad time to have no games.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Croteam to make Deathmatch for Serious Sam HD

Croteam read Dr. Dan "the_ass_man" Bauber's mind:


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Borderlands Config Editor

This is in the early beta stage, but someone on the gearbox forums was kind enough to make an app that will automatically make changes to your borderlands .ini files and key bindings.

I'm using it with windows 7 64-bit and haven't had any problems. I also suggest giving "disable outline shader" a try. Makes the game look better to me. A warning: Motion Blur will make you throw up on your shoes.

Here is the link to the forum post:


Here is the link to the file download:


Our new theme song?

I think so!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Windows 7 Tweakguide

Here is a 415 page pdf assembled by the man who runs It is a guide that runs through every single aspect of Windows 7 and tells you how to improve performance. I have used his guides for both Windows XP and Vista and the tips are great. Download this and use it.

Windows 7 Tweakguide.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


This Taco is going from the land of Nothing to the land of the KKK to enjoy a nice meal with family.

I will be gone and not able to play vidya gaymes until Sunday night. For this is how Snowy eats.
Turkey comas are necessary.

I hope everyone has a nice time.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What the hell is this?

Our taco-land is falling apart. Only Dan and Fahn share my pain...

my sorrow...

the twin bongs of waste,

smoke no more...

Monday, November 23, 2009

A nerdgasm

This is what it looks like.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Engineers with dumb faces

If you watch this video on youtube:

Youtube will suggest you watch this: