Monday, April 20, 2009

Borgeau beverages

Here is a list of Borgeau-approved beverages:

Vitamin Water - Energy
I drink this stuff by the gallon. It's borderline obsessive. I need caffeine though and this drink has it. Plus, it's better than a soda. I also like things that are yellow...
like piss.
I'm not trying to be flavor-specific with that picture. I like many many flavors of Gatorade. My wife buys a box of the powder packets, so I usually just have some at all times.

Remember this shit? It was awesome.

Henry Weinhard's - hefeweizen
I'm definitely not the biggest fan of Mr. Weinhard's beers. However, they relatively inexpensive and this hefeweizen is pretty good. So I just get that. Oh, except the other night we got a six of the 'summer ale' which was kind of bland, but not horrible.

Scuttlebutt - gale force ipa
This is a local brew (well, 30 min north of Seattle) and is probably my second favorite local beer. I wouldn't have even included this beer in this blog entry, but my favorite beer, Manny's Pale Ale, isn't bottled. So I couldn't find a picture of it. I'll just give you a link instead.

Zima is the greatest creation known to man. Fuck electricity and fuck antibiotics. Those both pale in comparison to the most holy of beverages.


  1. I get the feeling that the west coast has better beer than the east coast. The local thing down here is Landshark Lager which is crap. I should make more sweeping generalizations based on minimal facts.

  2. "aids burger in paradise..."

    landshark can suck all the dicks
