Saturday, July 31, 2010

Just another day

I had to do some things around my neighborhood and took some pictures with my phone. Then I photoshopped them.

I didn't photoshop this one. I don't even know why I took it.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Keepers of the Donkus

One cannot look directly at the Donkus.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010




Monday, July 26, 2010


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Anatomy 101

Your rectum has one layer of protection from complete and utter viral devastation.

The more you know, because knowledge is power.


Deus Ex Soundtrack

I uploaded the soundtrack to one of the best games ever made for you.

Here it is

Friday, July 23, 2010

shutting that shit down

so I'm going to shut down our TF2 server after the next TF2 night on August 4th. People in our group aren't interested enough to keep it going. I thought if I got our own server that people would become more interested in playing the TF2, but the opposite has happened. So yea.

After two weeks from now (through the time I've got it paid for) I'm going to shut it down. So let's send it out with a smoke-fuck.

Happy Birthday nader, new blockbuster movie out three years ago.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Trouble in little tokyo.

Mass Effect 2 DLC - Lair of the Shadow Broker

Lair of the Shadow Broker

No word on when it will come out, but I think this is a great idea. Seems pretty cool to fill in that little gap on what Liara is going to do.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

PC Gamer has a little Alien Swarm thing

In case you want to try the first-person play-style of Alien Swarm:

Alien Swarm in first person

All hands on deck, leaking dundlemens afloat.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010



Alien Swarm Level Generator

From Valve Developer Community, a quick way to make a custom map you can play with you friends in-game:


I've only played this game for one night, for a short period of time and I'm amazed that this game is being released for free. I want to kiss you, valve.

Monday, July 19, 2010



Nvidia driver release.

Today was the big release of Nvidia's new 258 series WHQL drivers. The internet told me it is a big deal.

Here is some information and links to the different versions.


Friday, July 16, 2010

Alien Swarm

i play games once a month. this is a new game that i will probably play, and i would enjoy it even more if you all would play with me. it's called alien swarm, and it's available as a free download on steam on monday. won't you join me? won't you?

Alien Swarm

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

L4D night starts in 90 minutes or so

take off pants

Also...and this is completely unrelated...I don't know if you've ever gotten your character to nab this little bit of conversation, but I have. Then I found it on YouTube today.

Feast your eyes upon this.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

crafted my first hat

I went with the Heavy and created a football helmet. It's the greatest night of my life. I couldn't take a screen shot, because Windows 7 has never let me take screen shots of TF2. But next time you see me play a heavy, I'll have that on with a big stupid grin.

Shitting up your ass.

Warning: Interesting science content.

Shit up my ass and then your own

Monday, July 12, 2010

Minus showing me his Donkus

Cactus head fucked

Floating sniper terminator extraordinaire.

pictures. I found some.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

music post

Achilles - "hospice"

I told Sean and Alec that I would up this, so here I am doing it. Remember L4D (first one) night is Wednesday, except Alec has to be a good little boy and study. Anyway...

Stop living life and play more computer games.

i killed my own father

Dear Diary,

Today I jammed the eff out to this new powerman 5000 tune. I went all nuts and kicked my dresser a bunch of times... pretty sure I dented it. Mom's gonna be so pissed. She just can't relate to how I emote to my music and cling to subculture fashion to express my desire to rebel.

After I got done push-pitting my hole room. I gave a shout out to my e-girlfriend on my webcam. Her name is jennifer and she understands my hatred of everything. Showed her my balls real quick and headed out.

After smoking a half a pack of cigarettes outside the mall I turned on my funputer and rocked some new Disturbed jams while I played TF2. That's when it happened.

I killed my own Father. I killed him again and again. I don't know what came over me. I truly got down with the sicness tonight. I just thought how much I hate 9th grade arithmetic, my curfew, my life, my parents and my ex-friend in the 7th grade who was my heart.

I put an arrow between his goddamn eyes.

I did it again and again


RIP dirty dad dick: there are 5 1/2 less fingers in the tacos tonight

also, this is me and dan, dancing in heaven:

Saturday, July 10, 2010

dargon arge screen shot #piss

Please click this image.

Friday, July 9, 2010

got a new car

this is what it looks like

eat your heart out, phillips

Thursday, July 8, 2010

dargon age 2 announced

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

TF2 night results (smoking all the fuck)

Our first TF2 night was a moderate success. Not many of our group actually showed up. Pretty bummed Dan, One-Handed Dad, Jack and The Billionaire couldn't make it. But there's always next month. Please be sure to check our Steam community page for IAAT.

Here's the run-down (what we could keep up with) of what we got:

Alec - "preventitive medicine" (medic)
Alec - "not a crazed gunman dad" (sniper)
Minus - "own the means of production" (heavy)
Minus - "red oktoberfest" (heavy)
Minus - "De-sentry-lized" (sniper)
Sean - "the big hurt" (scout)

Item Drops:
Alec - cloak and dagger
Nic - tribalman's shiv
Rob - ambassador
Snowy - bonk atomic punch
Sean - tribalman's shiv
Sean - Scotsman skull cutter

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day Of Defeat

You all need to own this. I own this. The fact that you don't own this makes me upset. Robinson Esquire own this. Minus owns this. Alecrishria fandashrue owns this. Naderian zarabia owns this. Everyone should own this. It's cheap. Own dis.

damnit damnit damnit

Here is a reminder about our TF2 night tomorrow. Look at our Steam profile page, when you are logged in to see details, or click this to see it right now. I recently had to change our ventrilo server (like 10 days ago or so) and I tried to get everyone the new IP. But if I missed you just IM one of us in Steam and we'll make sure you get in.

Go craft some shit.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Sunday, July 4, 2010

music post

I thought some of you may enjoy this (probably Sean and Nader). So here is this album.

Whippersnapper - "Appearance Wear Thin"

These guys were a pop-punk band from the Atlanta area. This is their last album, which is less pop and more rock sounding. I used to be friends with a couple of these guys, but I have no idea if any of them are still playing music.

On an unrelated note, death metal from England is so good. Even their wigger-slam bands are leaps and bounds above the bands from the U.S.

Jack would probably like to throttle me for saying that.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010

dargorn arge screenshot series 3002

Making Flemeth my bitch...