Tuesday, June 30, 2009

angry L4D gamer is angry

I've noticed over time (but it was just way more noticeable last night) that people get really really worked up over L4D. You could probably make that statement about any game out there, but I just notice it the most on L4D. Last night I was playing a versus match and the server happened to have "all-talk" on, and my team seemed to figure that out immediately because we can read. It sais "All-talk is on." However, the guys on the other team didn't get it. I don't know why, because we typed it to them over and over. This one dude, on the other team, was yelling and cursing his teammates. I guess he didn't think that the reason we were destroying them is because he was telling the whole server where they were going to move and position. He then proceeded to vote-kick anyone on his team that wasn't doing well enough to reach his standards. He kept screaming "You fucking suck! You fucking suck! What the fuck is wrong with you? You should fucking die! GOD!" I told him to relax and that made him even more mad. He told me that I was horrible at L4D and my team sucked, even though we were winning by thousands of points. It makes me not want to play online games, when people behave that way.

But I'll still do it...


  1. I need a new mic. I miss you.

  2. Little kids on Halo 3 are bad. Xbox live in general is a breeding ground for retards. Most people on the internet have seen/heard this, but if you haven't...

    My Cloudsong, you stole it
