Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tonight i'm going to San Francisco

Hopefully I run into the Olsen twins and tell them that they need to go to church with Kyle Phillips because their life is truly lacking. I will look for them in their childhood home.

Then I'm going to go to the Castro District and get my dry dick humping on with a bunch of manly men.

After that, I'll meet back up with my friends that I ditched and see Torche

Also Kylesa and then I'm leaving before High on Fuck plays because, well, I don't care. Also I'll probably be really deaf because it's going to be loud as fuck.


  1. You'd have more fun if you stayed home and played computer games.

  2. I wish men touched me like that. Why the fuck do I have to be a woman?

  3. The show was really great. I've noticed that weird metal heads are suddenly getting more attractive girlfriends, this gives me hope and also infuriates Rob.

  4. in no time we'll be back to spandex pants, big hair and massive pubic wigs in porn, right asshole?

  5. Well, society on a whole sucks because apparently having a hairy chest isn't "sexy".

    What do women know?

  6. Hairy chests drive me wild. :o

    It sucks because Wes is as hairless as a ten year old Asian prostitute.
