Today, we were going to build the perfect modded machine. However, a few problems arose quite early on. First, Sebastian forgot his soldering gun. On the way back to his apartment, we got a speeding ticket. While we were waiting for the police officer to finish the ticket, I got a text message from Julia that canceled our plans for tonight. Bummed.
When we finally got our tools together and got back home, we started on our new machine. Sebastian called his brother Gordon, who works in a machine shop, to help us with the case. Unfortunately, he was drunk and just destroyed our materials and beat us with our water-cooling hoses. So we had to come up with another plan. Suddenly I had a stroke of genius and decided to turn Sebastian into the case!!! Can you believe it??
He was a good sport about it. So the moral of the story is to never give up. You never know what kind of greatness can arise out of adversity.
I want to sleep in the same bed as you.