Thursday, September 9, 2010

Medal of Honor - pc game-play

While Sean and I were at PAX, we noticed a lot of Medal of Honor hype. The Medal of Honor booth/gaming area always had a long line to get in, so we never stood on it. The funny thing is that other booths had the same game-play demo. We went to Logitech's booth to check out a mouse, and ended up getting to play. We went to some other company's booth to check out headphones and got to play there as well. I'm not sure why more people didn't figure this out, but that's beside the point.

Sean said, "It looks almost just like BC2, but I know I'll end up buying it." Considering the multiplayer is made by DICE, we figured some of you other tacos would probably be getting it. Seems like it will feel very familiar coming from BC2.

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  1. I don't know if I'll be getting it. Pretty sure the BC2 Vietnam expansion will hold me off until Battlefield 3.

  2. I want a WWI game where you stand around in a trench for hours and do nothing and then you finally just die because a cloud of mustard gas came your way or you run up a little slope and are instantly mowed down my MG42s.

  3. well, if you guys aren't going to get it, then neither am I...
