Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mass Effect 2 planet scanning

For some reason I am addicted to planet scanning. I've been using on average 25 probes per planet. Not sure why, but so far this is my favorite part of the game. I'm not saying the rest of the game is bad, but I just really really really like scanning for minerals.


  1. when i see a planet with any element zero i get super excited in my pants

  2. With my first character, I honestly loved it. I was like you. I would scan every planet until it read "depleted." Element Zero was so scarece, I would get super excited in my pants as well. I'm on my third character now and it feels like such a chore to planet scan, so I'm not going to upgrade anything just so I can achieve the plot ending that I want. I'm also going completely renegade.
